Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 3, my first experience with tofu

I realized today that I actually like oatmeal! I made it on the stove, not the microwave kind. With almond milk and a little sugar, it wasn't bad at all! It kept me full, I wasn't hungry at all. I'm kind of excited to try different things with it - bananas, cinnamon, almonds, possibly some vanilla.... Definitely a t of potential. Ooh - I wonder if Nutella would work... Or if I can even have Nutella on this diet. I'll have to look into that.

Since it was New Year's Day, and breakfast was actually lunch, I hit dinner next. TOFU. I'm slightly terrified.

Fajitas. I made chicken fajitas for my family, and tofu for me. I realized after i made my kids fajitas that the main reason I like fajitas is thhe sour cream. ugh! well, to give it a pop I sautéed the tofu (firm tofu, cubed) with a sliced tomato - to give it a little acidity and a bit more flavor. I added some water and the vegetables and water sautéed red and green bell peppers and some onion with the tofu and some fajita seasoning.  I added a little salt, threw it on a tortilla... It honestly wasn't bad! I was surprised I actually liked it without the sour cream and guacamole. The tofu was the firm kind, and about the same consistency as scrambled eggs. The nice thing about it is that it really doesn't taste like anything, it's kind of like a sponge - it just soaked up the flavor. I'm glad I sautéed it with the tomato first - I think that gave it a tiny pop - but I might be crazy! I'll learn more about tofu as I go. Especially over the next couple of days, I have to use the rest of this brick of tofu before it goes bad.

But read the directions, you have to store it covered with water. Weird.

Evening munchies were HORRIBLE. So I had spaghetti and red sauce. And I've figured out that I LOVE Martinelli's apple cider! It's funny, I've always hated it before,but I got some for New Year's Eve - mainly for my husband. He loves the stuff. I looked on the bottle, the only thing in it is apple juice and carbonation - no sugars, no preservatives, no nothing! I'm officially hooked! I can drink it and not feel guilty! LOVE!!! When it goes on sale I'm going to stock up. I wish it came in a 2 liter instead of just a fancy bottle.

I'm getting a little excited - I feel like I can eat like this. The hardest part of any diet is the first week. I just hope I can actually loose weight doing it. I took my measurements last night and it was utterly painful... Oi. I hope this works.

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